Make Me!
Do you sense that people, in larger and louder numbers, are saying “No” to almost everything they hear and see in our country today?
Time to Reset
Halloween will soon overwhelm us with fantasy, food, fun and fear. But is it also one of our most important, indeed sacred, holidays?
To Know or be Known?
When we reach the end of our days, and in all points in between the cradle and the grave, is knowing more important than being known—loving than being loved?
Controlling Interests
Is life best lived when we are in control, out of control, or somewhere in between?
The Child is Father of the Man
Having a father, and being a father, connects us to what once was, what is, and what will be.
The Five People I Married
June launches our annual four-month season during which most weddings take place. But when people say “I Do,” who is it that they are really marrying?
It really is all about You
There is one person you know better than any other—You. But when in life are you, or were you, really YOU?
Looking for a safe place to meet?
The post-COVID world poses the same question that was on our minds before our quarantine: is there a safe place wherein we can meet each other?
Generally speaking, I’m always wrong
No one wants to be wrong, but whenever I talk about all of you, I can be nothing else.
No crying in baseball?
Baseball may no longer be our national pastime, but its cheers and its tears say more about whom we are than we may think.
No Guarantees
Trying to make sense of the things that happen today and happened yesterday can both inspire or shatter our faith.
Believing is Seeing
What we believe to be true depends on what, and in whom, we place out trust.
Herd Immunity?
Whether life is best understood as a journey, an adventure, an ordeal, a pilgrimage, or even a war, for humans it remains an experience lived in the herd. This is both a blessing and a curse, as 2021 is reminding us each day.
Waves and Troughs
For those who would like to get away from the worries and difficulties of today, here is my invitation to join me in returning to one of my favorite destinations…Surf’s Up!
Whose Best?
Tom Brady’s team won the Super Bowl, his seventh in ten tries. Does this make him the best ever?
A Rocky Year Ahead…
The next 11 months will be a test of how well we live each day “on the rocks.”
Seeing Both Ways
Navigating the uncertain roads that lie ahead of us will require a Janus-like perspective.
The Power of 1
In this year upon which we have just embarked, “1” is anything but the loneliest number